
ООО Кляйн НатурФарма

Expected functionality.

• development and updating of (e-)training and informational materials for various audiences (field force, healthcare professionals, patients);
• liaison and partnership with leading experts, opinion leaders, medical associations, scientific societies in Russia and abroad;
• monitoring of Russian and international scientific events for RheumaSchool.ru/calendar;
• screening of scientific literature, clinical recommendations, preparation of literature reviews and analytical reports;
• written and oral consultations, preparation of qualified answers to various requests from patients, doctors, employees.

Education and experience.

• higher medical education + specialization in rheumatology;
• experience in teaching and practical medicine for at least 6 years;
• medical advisor experience is preferred.

Professional knowledge and skills.

• English (intermediate and higher);
• PC - confident user of MS Office.

Personal qualities and abilities.

• understanding of evidence-based medicine and medical marketing;
• analytical skills, ability to work with large volumes of information, data mining;
• literate speech (written and oral);
• high self-organization and efficiency;
• ability to work in a team and independently.

Working conditions.

• design under a contract;
• remote work (arrival to the office is not required)